Subject: Rules for Japanese Mahjong Scoring -- in English!! From: (Wei-Hwa Huang) Date: 27 Jan 1998 16:38:30 GMT

The Scoring in Japanese Mahjong
Rough draft
Version 0.3, 1/27/98

0. Introduction.
There is a lack of English description of Japanese mahjong scoring. Here I attempt to describe it. Please forward all comments and corrections to me at

The most recent version of this file can also be found at

1. Terminology
The names I will use are in capitals. Alternative names are listed in parentheses.

1.1 Tile Classification
There are 136 tiles, composed of four copies of a 34 tile set. The tiles can be subdivided into four groups: DOTS (balls, circles, coins, buckets, units, pin-zu), BAMS (bamboos, sticks, hundreds, sou-zu), CRAKS (characters, wan, ten thousands, man-zu), and CHARS (honors, characters, tsu-hai). The Dots, Bams, and Craks are called the three SUITS, and are numbered from 1 through 9.
The Chars are subdivided into four WINDS (kaze) and three ELEMENTS (dragons).
The twos through eights of the suits are called SIMPLES. The ones and nines of the suits are called TERMINALS. The terminals and chars as a group are called ENDS. Of the four winds, one is a ROUND WIND, determined by which round the game is in; one is a POSITION WIND, determined by the position the player is sitting in relative to the dealer. If the round wind and the position wind is the same, it is called a DOUBLE WIND (renhoupai, dabu-kaze). All other (two or three) winds are called GUEST WINDs (ota-kaze).

1.2 Hand Composition
A Winning hand is, except for two exceptions, composed of four MELDS and a PAIR.
A pair is two identical tiles.
There are three types of melds:
SEQ (sequence, syuntu): three numbers in a row in the same suit. TRI (triple, kou): three identical tiles. QUAD (quadruple, kan): four identical tiles. Obviously, a winning hand must have 14+K tiles, where K is the number of KANs in the hand.
The two exceptions, which will be covered later, are the SEVEN PAIRS hands and the THIRTEEN ENDS hands.

1.3 Win Taxonomy
A hand can be won in two ways:
won on DISCARD, in which case the winning tile is some other player's discard;
won on SELF-DRAW (tsumo), in which case the winning tile is drawn by the winning player.
A meld is OPEN (exposed) if it was melded by the discards of another player (including a win on discard). Otherwise it must be CLOSED (hidden) if it was melded "naturally" in one's hand. A hand is CLOSED (menzen) if all melds that do not contain the winning tile (there are at least three, and four if the winning tile completes a pair) are closed. Otherwise the hand is OPEN. A hand is STRONGLY CLOSED if it is closed and was won on self-draw. A hand is WEAKLY CLOSED if it is closed and was won on discard.

1.4 Pre-win Taxonomy
Before a hand gets the winning tile, it must necessarily be in a WAITING state, where the (usually 13-tile) hand needs one more tile to win.

2. Scoring

2.1 General Overview
Only the winning hand is evaluated. First, an ABSCISSA is calculated based on the composition of the hand and how the hand was won. Then, an EXPONENTIAL is calculated based on certain properties of the hand (which award MULTIPLIERS).
The ABSCISSA is multiplied by 2^EXPONENTIAL, and is then multiplied by another number depending on whether the winner was dealer or not. Finally, the number is rounded to the nearest LIMIT and/or hundred.

2.2 Calculating the Abscissa
The Abscissa is a sum of several numbers; a BASE score, a COMPOSITION score, and a WAITING score -- with one exception. That exception is the "seven pairs" hand. The abscissa for the "seven pairs" hand is exactly 50 points.

2.2.1 Base Score (fuudei)
30 points -- weakly closed hand;
20 points -- strongly closed hand;
20 points -- open hand.
(Technically, the 30 is really a 20-point base plus a BONUS for weakly closed hands.)

2.2.2 Composition Score
This score is based on the composition of the hand, regardless of readiness or openness.
The pair is worth:
4 points -- double (round and position) wind; 2 points -- round wind but not position wind; 2 points -- position wind but not round wind; 2 points -- element;
no points -- guest wind;
no points -- suit.
Each seq is worth:
no points.
Each tri is worth:
8 points -- closed end;
4 points -- open end;
4 points -- closed simple;
2 points -- open simple.
Each quad is worth:
32 points -- closed end;
16 points -- open end;
16 points -- closed simple;
8 points -- open simple.

2.2.3 Ready Score
This score is dependent on how exactly the winning tile came into the hand. There are five essential ways: a. TWO-SIDED -- the tile completed a seq meld that could have been completed by another number three away from it. For example, holding a 34 and readying for a 2 or 5. b. CENTRAL (kanchan) -- the tile completed a seq that was between two numbers. For example, holding a 68 and readying for a 7. c. EDGE -- the tile completed a seq that was at the end, and not two-sided or central. For example, holding a 12 and readying for a 3.
d. HANGING (danki) -- the tile completed the pair. e. DOUBLE-PON (shan-pon-ten) -- the hand had two pairs, and the tile made one of them a tri. (AKA "None of the above.") Note that a hand may be readying to win in more than one way. For instance, a hand may have three melds and the tiles 5557 in one suit. Then it is a central win if the winning tile is a 6, but a hanging win if the winning tile is a 7.

The readying score is:
0 points -- two-sided;
2 points -- central;
2 points -- edge;
2 points -- hanging;
0 points -- double-tri. (Some books may give this points -- however, it is because they are including composition points.) add 2 points if the win was self-drawn.

Alternatively, one may think of this as 2 points for a "unique" ready tile ... although this is misleading.

2.3 Calculating the Exponential
As this is complicated, it will be detailed after section 2.4.

2.4 Final Score, Limit Checking

2.4.1 General
Take the abscissa, round it up to the nearest multiple of 10, and multiply it by 2^exponential. Multiply it by a "base exponential" of 4 = 2^2. Give an extra multiplier per "dora", i.e., bonus tiles. This is the HAND VALUE. Note that only closed hands may score the "dora", and that riichi hands have extra "dora" (ura-dora) to score. Multiply the hand value by 6 if the player was the dealer, or by 4 if the player was not the dealer. This is the PAYOFF, and should represent approximately what the winner should get. If the hand was won by discard, then the discarder pays the winner the entire payoff, rounded to the nearest hundred. (If the discarder is dealer, he does NOT pay double.)
Otherwise, the hand was won by self-draw. Then each player pays the winner the hand value, rounded to the nearest hundred. (The hand value is doubled if either the winner or the payer is dealer.) Note that the winner should receive a total amount close to that of the payoff.

2.4.2 Limits
If the hand value is greater than 2000, then instead of using the "actual" hand value, the hand value is assumed to be a LIMIT of 2000 points. (This is reached at about 3 exponentials for abscissas greater than 70, about 4 exponentials for abscissas greater than 40, and 5 exponentials for smaller abscissas.) (Some books will refer to the limit as 8000 or 12000 points. They're talking about the PAYOFF limit.) The only way to get more than the limit as a hand value is to have a lot of exponentials. The higher values are: LIMIT-AND-A-HALF: 3000 points. 6 or 7 exponentials. DOUBLE LIMIT: 4000 points. 8, 9, or 10 exponentials. TRIPLE LIMIT: 6000 points. 11 or 12 exponentials. QUADRUPLE LIMIT: 8000 points. Special hands, or 13 exponentials or more. SEXTUPLE LIMIT: 12000 points. Really special hands.

2.4.3 Charts

Dealer wins by self-draw, each player pays: | Exponentials + Dora
Abscissa | 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-10 11+ Spec. 20 | XXX 700 1300 2600 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 22-30 | 500 1000 2000 3900 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 32-40 | 700 1300 2600 4000 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 42-50 | 800 1600 3200 4000 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 52-60 | 1000 2000 3900 4000 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 62-70 | 1200 2300 4000 4000 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000 72-80 | 1300 2600 4000 4000 4000 6000 8000 12000 16000

Dealer wins by discard, the discarding player pays: | Exponentials + Dora
Abscissa | 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-10 11+ Spec. 20 | XXX 2000 3900 7700 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 22-30 | 1500 2900 5800 11600 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 32-40 | 2000 3900 7700 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 42-50 | 2400 4800 9600 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 52-60 | 2900 5800 11600 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 62-70 | 3400 6800 12000 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 72-80 | 3900 7700 12000 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000 82-90 | 4400 8700 12000 12000 12000 18000 24000 36000 48000

Non-dealer wins by self-draw, the other players pays (and dealer pays double):
| Exponentials + Dora
Abscissa | 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-10 11+ Spec. 20 | XXX 400 700 1300 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 22-30 | 300 500 1000 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 32-40 | 400 700 1300 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 42-50 | 400 800 1600 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 52-60 | 500 1000 2000 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 62-70 | 600 1200 2000 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 72-80 | 700 1300 2000 2000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000

Non-dealer wins by discard, the discarding player pays: | Exponentials + Dora
Abscissa | 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-10 11+ Spec. 20 | XXX 1300 2600 5200 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 22-30 | 1000 2000 3900 7700 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 32-40 | 1300 2600 5200 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 42-50 | 1600 3200 6400 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 52-60 | 2000 3900 7700 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 62-70 | 2300 4500 8000 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 72-80 | 2600 5200 8000 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000 82-90 | 2900 5800 8000 8000 8000 12000 16000 24000 32000

2.3 Calculating the Exponential

Essentially, certain properties of the hand give exponentials. For each one, the number of exponential it gives is given in parenthesis. (S) denotes a special hand (i.e., gives quadruple limit). Some books may add 2 to the exponential, but then the hand score is not multiplied by four. Most exponentials can be combined with other exponentials; some supersede weaker ones; some require that the hand be closed (but not necessarily strongly closed) -- those are marked with an asterisk (); some are superseded.

A strongly closed hand (i.e., closed and won on self-draw) gives an exponential.
2.3.2 (1*) ALL SEQUENCE (pinfu)
A hand with no tri or quad melds. This hand must be closed. 2.3.3 (1) END-LESS (tanyao)
A hand with no end cards. This hand should be closed, although most rulesets relax the restriction.
2.3.4 (1/2*) (DIRTY) END-FULL (chan-tao) Every meld must have at least one end card, and the pair must be of an end card. Closure is not necessary, but if closed it gives an extra exponent.
2.3.5 (1*) ONE SUIT DOUBLE SEQUENCE (sister sequence, ii-peikou) Two completely identical seqs in the same suit. This hand must be closed.
2.3.6 (1/2*) THREE SUIT SAME SEQUENCE (san-shoku-doujun) The same numerical seq in three suits. This is worth one multiplier if the hand if closed, but two if the hand is open. 2.3.7 (1/2*) ONE BREATH (DRAGON, ikkitsuukan, itsuu) Three melds are composed of the tiles from 1 through 9 of the same suit. This is worth one multiplier if the hand is closed, but two if the hand is open.
2.3.8 (1) SPECIAL CHARS (fanpai, yakuhai) A tri or a quad in the following give one multiplier each: a. Any element;
b. the round wind;
c. the position wind.
A double wind gives two multipliers, accordingly. 2.3.9 (2*/1*) RIICHI (reach)
During the course of play, if a player's hand is closed and is a ready hand, he may declare riichi on his turn. He exclaims "riichi", positions a 1000-unit counter near his discards, discards a tile and positions it horizontally on his discard line, and covers his remaining (usually 13) tiles. If the discard is immediately melded, then the player must wait until his next turn to try again. After a successful call, he may no longer trade any tiles in his hand during play. He may extend a tri to a quad, but only if the set of readying tiles remains constant. A win by a player who has declared
riichi gets a multiplier. He gets two multipliers if he has successfully called riichi on his very first discard. (Note that if his first discard is immediately melded, then he can never get these two multipliers.) Finally, the riichi opponent may use the extra dora below the normal dora.
(Incidentally, the element dora sequence is red->white->green). 2.3.10 (1*) ONE-OUT
If a player who has called riichi wins before he makes his next discard (this includes winning on self-draw on his next turn), then he gets an extra multiplier.
2.3.11 (1) FLOWER ON QUAD (rin-jan-kai-hou) One multiplier when the winning tile is a result of drawing the extra tile after completing a quad. Note that the win counts as a self-draw win if the quad was completed in hand or by adding to a melded tri, but counts as a discard win if the quad was melded from another player's discard.
2.3.12 (1) QUAD STEAL ("Rob a kong", chan-kan) This is when the winning tile is one that another player has drawn and has attempted to add to an already-melded tri with it. As winning takes precedence over making a quad, this is legal. 2.3.13 (1) SCOOPING THE MOON FROM THE SEA (hai-dei-rao-ie) Winning on the last legal tile in the wall. (This changes during quads, of course.)
2.3.14 (1) SCOOPING THE FISH FROM THE RIVERS (hou-dei-rao-yui) Winning on the last legal discard in the game (by another player, of course).
2.3.15 (2) DOUBLE-DOUBLE (toi-toi-hou)
No seq melds.
2.3.16 (2/3*) DIRTY ONE-SUITER (hon-itsu) All tiles are in the same suit or a char. (I.e., two suits are completely absent.) Two multipliers on an open hand, three multipliers on a closed hand.
2.3.17 (2/3*) PURE END-FULL
All melds and pairs contain an end, and there are no chars. (I.e., every meld contains at least one terminal tile.) 2.3.18 (2) THREE CLOSED TRIPLES (san-ankou) Three melds are tris or quads and are closed. (The other meld and the pair need not be closed.)
2.3.19 (2) THREE QUADS (san-kantsu)
Three melds are quads, and at least one is open. 2.3.20 (3*) ONE SUIT TRIPLE SEQUENCE (ryan-peikou) Three completely identical seqs in the same suit. This hand must be closed. Note that the three sequences may also be interpreted as closed tris (2.3.18) sometimes. Some people play this as worth only 2 multipliers. 2.3.20 (2*) SEVEN PAIRS (chii-toitsu)
No melds, just seven pairs. This hand is necessarily closed, and can be combined with exponents that are not meld-specific, such as (2.3.16).
2.3.21 (2) THREE SUIT SAME TRIPLE (san-shoku-dou-pon) The same numerical triple in all three suits. Some play this as worth 3 exponentials.
2.3.22 (4) LITTLE THREE ELEMENTS (shou-sangen) Two melds and a pair of the three elements. Technically, this is only two exponentials -- the other two come from (2.3.8), which is already factored in.
2.3.23 (5) DIRTY TERMINALS (hon-routou) All tiles are ends. Technically, this is only two exponentials -- of the other three, two come from (2.3.15), one from (2.3.4) (although there is no bonus for an weakly closed hand). 2.3.24 (5/6*) ONE-SUITER (chin-itsu)
All tiles are of one-suit. Cannot add extra suit exponentials like (2.3.16) -- that's already counted. An extra exponential if closed.

== SPECIAL HANDS (X = sextuple limits) ==

2.3.25 (S) BIG THREE ELEMENTS (dai-sangen) Three melds of the elements.
2.3.26 (S) LITTLE FOUR WONDERS (shou-suushi) Three melds and a pair of the winds.
2.3.27 (X) BIG FOUR WONDERS (dai-suushi) Four melds of the winds.
2.3.28 (S) PURE CHARS (tsu-iisou)
All chars.
2.3.29 (S) PURE TERMINALS (pure 1s and 9s, chinroutou) All terminals.
2.3.30 (S) PURE GREEN (imperial jade, ryuu-iisou) All tiles are "green only"; i.e., the only allowed tiles are 2 bam, 3 bam, 4 bam, 6 bam, 8 bam, and green element. 2.3.31 (SX) FOUR CLOSED TRIPLES (suu-ankou) Four melds of tris or quads, all closed. Sextuple limit if the winning tile is part of the pair.
Four melds of quads. Note that this is very difficult as the matching tile must be drawn immediately after the fourth quad. 2.3.33 (S) THE CHARIOT
22334455667788 in one suit. (Note that this is a "seven pair" hand AND a "double sequence" hand.)
2.3.34 (S) THE NINE LANTERNS (nine gates, chuuren-poutou) 1112345678999 in one suit, and any other tile in that suit. (Note that any tile in the suit is meldable.) Must be closed, according to some players. Sextuple limit if the actual ready hand is 1112345678999 2.3.35 (SX*) PEERLESS KINGDOM (THIRTEEN ENDS, kokushi-musou) One of each of the 13 ends, and any other end. Note that the extra end need not be the winning tile -- but if it is, it's a sextuple limit. 2.3.36 (S*) HEAVEN (going out of the gods, tenhou) Dealer winning without discarding on the first turn. 2.3.37 (S*) EARTH (chiihou)
Winning on dealer's first discard.
2.3.38 (S*) MAN (renhou)
Winning in the first round of discards. (Note that if turns are skipped, then the first round is over.)
2.3.39 (?) END DISCARDS
If the game is drawn and a player has discarded NO simples, then they win a simple limit game.
The same sequence FOUR times.
Thirteen tiles such that there are NO meldable tiles. Can only be claimed in the opening deal.
Winning as the dealer for eight consecutive games.

2.5 Drawn Games

When the last tile is drawn and discarded with no wins, each player shows their hand and announces whether they are ready (tenpai, one tile away from winning). The ready players must be paid a collective amount of 3000 by the non-ready players:

a. If three people are ready, then the fourth pays 1000 to each one; b. If two people are ready, then they are paid 1500 each -- and each of the other two pays out 1500;
c. If one person is ready, he receives 1000 from each of the others.

Obviously, if all four are in the same status, then no money is exchanged.

If the game is drawn in some other fashion besides running out, then this does not apply.

2.5.1 Ways to draw a game
a. When the tiles run out.
b. When a player is dealt nine DIFFERENT ends, he may declare a drawn game at his FIRST turn AFTER drawing a tile. (The tile may count as one of the nine ends.)
c. When all players discards the SAME WIND tile in the first round, it is a draw.
d. When four players declare riichi, it is a draw.

2.6 Dealer Ante

(The books are somewhat unclear on this.) First off, a dealer may continue to be dealer as long as he wins. (If a situation such as (2.5) occurs, being ready is enough to let the dealer continue.)

For every "extra" dealer round (i.e., for every round the same person remains dealer except the initial), the dealer takes out a single 100 unit stick and places it on his right. There may be many such sticks if the dealer has played for a long time.

Once another player has won, the dealer takes these sticks back.

However, if it is a drawn game and dealership changes, then the sticks are "passed" on to the next player, who adds a stick of his own.

How exactly the
sticks function is unclear; I'll have to do some more research on this. It seems that the points are bonus points added to the winning hand.

3. Variants

3.1 RED TILES (aka-pai)
Sometimes special "red" versions of the fives in each suit are used. These behave exactly like dora tiles.
3.2 YAKITORI ("roast bird")
There are apparently special "yakitori" markers placed on each players right. I don't know how these work. 3.3 UMA

4.0 Japanese glossary:

AGARU -- declare a win
AKA-PAI -- "red tiles" (3.1)
AN-KOU -- a closed triple
AN-KAN -- a closed quadruple
ANZENPAI -- "safe" tile (i.e., no one will win by discarding it) BA-KAZE -- round wind (1.1)
CHAN-KAN -- quad steal (2.3.12)
CHAN-TA -- dirty end-full (2.3.4)
"CHII" -- what to call when melding a sequence CHII -- an open sequence
CHIIHOU -- earth (2.3.37)
CHII-TOITSU -- seven pairs (2.3.20)
CHIN-ITSU -- one-suiter (2.3.24)
CHINROUTOU -- pure terminals (2.3.29)
CHON-PO -- erroneous win
CHUN -- the red element (1.1)
CHUNCHANPAI -- simples
CHUUREN-POUTOU -- nine lanterns (2.3.34) DABU-KAZE -- double wind
DABURU-RIICHI -- "double" riichi (2.3.9) DAI-SANGEN -- big three elements (2.3.25) DAI-SUUSHI -- big four wonders (2.3.27) DAI-YAKUMAN -- special hand worth "SEXTUPLE LIMIT" DANKI -- central (2.2.3.d)
DORA -- bonus tiles (2.4.1)
FANPAI -- special chars (2.3.8)
FUUDEI -- base score (2.2.1)
FUURO -- melding
HAI -- alternative form of "PAI"
HAI -- "the sea", i.e., the undrawn tiles HAI-DEI-RAO-IE -- scooping the moon from the sea (2.3.13) HAIMAN -- multiple limit
HAIPAI -- dealt hand, initial hand
HAKOTEN -- a "winning" hand with insufficient points HAKU -- the white element (1.1)
HAN -- exponential (2.1)
HANCHAN -- "half a deal", i.e., a full game of 8 dealerships. HANEMAN -- limit-and-a-half (2.4.2)
HATSU -- the green element (1.1)
HON-ITSU -- dirty one-suiter (2.3.16)
HON-ROUTOU -- dirty terminals (2.3.23)
HOU -- "the river", i.e., discarded tiles. HOU-DEI-RAO-YUI -- scooping the fish from the rivers (2.3.14) HOUJUU -- to discard a winning tile, hereby letting an opponent win II-PEIKOU -- one suit double sequence (2.3.5) II-SHANTEN -- ready
IKKITSUUKAN (ITTSU for short) -- one breath (2.3.7) JANTOU -- pair
JIPAI -- char
KAMICHA -- the "previous" (left-hand) player. "KAN" -- what to call when melding a quad KANCHAN -- central (2.2.3.c)
KAZE -- wind (1.1)
KAZOE-YAKUMAN -- quadruple limit achieved by counting exponentials (2.4.2) KIKENHAI -- "danger" tile (likely to lose the game) KO -- non-dealer
KOKUSHI-MUSOU -- peerless kingdon (2.3.35) KOU -- a triple (1.2)
KYOKU -- a dealership
MAN-KAN -- (single) limit (2.4.2)
MAN-ZU -- craks (1.1)
MENZEN -- closed hand (1.3)
MIN-KAN -- an open quadruple
MIN-KOU -- an open triple
NAN -- south wind
OTA-KAZE -- guest wind
OYA -- dealer
PAI -- tile
PEKI -- north wind
PINFU -- all sequence (2.3.2)
PIN-ZU -- dots (1.1)
"PON" -- what to call when melding a triple PON -- an open triple
POO -- paying for everyone
REN-CHAN -- continuing dealership
RENHOU -- man (2.3.38)
RENFUU-PAI -- double wind
RIICHI -- what to call when locking one's hand on ready (2.3.9) RIN-JAN-HAI -- the extra tile when making a quad RIN-JAN-KAI-HOU -- flower on quad (2.3.11) "RON" -- what to call when winning on discard RONHOU -- winning on discard
ROUTOUHAI -- terminals
RYUU-IISOU -- pure green (2.3.30)
RYAN-CHANHOU -- two people win simultaneously RYAN-PEIKOU -- one suit triple sequence (2.3.20) SAIKORO -- die/dice
SAN-ANKOU -- three closed triples (2.3.18) SANCHA -- non-dealer
SANCHAHO -- three simultaneous wins
SAN-KANTSU -- three quadruplets (2.3.19) SANKENPAI -- element
SAN-SHOKU-DOUJUN -- three suit same sequence (2.3.6) SAN-SHOKU-DOUPON -- three suit same triple (2.3.21) SAN-SHOKU-DOUKO- -- three suit same triple (2.3.21) SHA -- west wind
SHAITSU -- die/dice
SHAN-PON-TEN -- double pos (2.2.3.e)
SHIMOCHA -- the "next" (right-hand) player SHIPAI -- shuffle/mix the tiles
SHOU-SANGEN -- little three elements (2.3.22) SHOU-SUUSHI -- little four wonders (2.3.26) SHUNTSU -- sequence (1.2)
SOU-ZU -- bams (1.2)
SUU-ANKOU -- four closed triples (2.3.31) TAAPAI -- extra tiles
TAATSU -- two-sided (2.2.3.a)
TANYAO -- end-less (2.3.3)
TENBOU -- point counter
TENHOU -- heaven (2.3.36)
TOIMEN -- opposite player
TOI-TOI-HOU -- double-double (2.3.15)
TON -- east wind
TSU-HAI -- chars (1.1)
TSU-IISOU -- pure chars (2.3.28)
"TSUMO" -- what to call when winning on self-draw TSUMORU -- winning on self-draw
URA-DORA -- extra bonus tiles for riichi hands (2.4.1) WANPAI -- the 14 "unusable" tiles
YAKU -- winning hand
YAKUHAI -- other name for FANPAI
YAKUMAN -- quadruple limit (2.4.2)
YAOKYU -- ends

Wei-Hwa Huang,,

I need these stuffy sinuses like I need a hole in the head.

Subject: Re: Rules for Japanese Mahjong Scoring -- in English!! From: (ACTSEARCH)
Date: 27 Jan 1998 18:54:12 GMT

>From: (Wei-Hwa Huang)

>The Scoring in Japanese Mahjong
>Rough draft
>Version 0.3, 1/27/98

This is awesome! Thank you thank you thank you! I'm adding this to my growing collection of understandable info on Japanese MJ. Thanks to you and to Alan Kwan!

Tom Sloper, Activision
Senior Producer, Shanghai
Now available: SHANGHAI: DYNASTY -- check our website for a preview: